And I must confess, it came as a small shock but a massive relief, that this system was incredibly logical. We have the open strings (depicted at the top), and then you simply "slide" (although, you of course don't SLIDE per-se, just in a step-by-step basis) your finger down that string to progress through the notes until you hit the note of the next open string, then start on the next one. This means I don't really need to learn notes other than the open strings - fantastic news indeed, I feel like an expert already...
With my new found knowledge, I thought it was time to hammer out my first set of sounds. I won't lie to the world and call it a tune yet, but it was certainly an audible noise. I call it "Frere Jacques in some out of tune key".
Today has been useful, and has also inspired me in two ways. 1. I should learn how to read this music stuff. 2. I should investigate how I can record my noise to share with all you lovely people.
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